Sunday, November 6, 2011

Low article on "Gated Communities"

Setha Low, compares the gated residential communities of San Antonio, Texas and Queens, New York. Who uncovers the fear that causes people to move farther from Urban areas. Low, who has done participant-observation on residents of New York and Texas which ranged from 27-75 mostly all agreed to the reason why to moving to a gated community was for "search for a sense of safety and security". They feel safer and more secure with gates, walls, and guards, which are all factors of a gated community. Though all residents who Low, has interviewed had the same thoughts of fear to moving to a gated community; residents in New York vs. Texas mention different aspects of fear. In New York, they fear of Urban crime. While as in Texas, residents fear of kidnapping and illegal Mexican workers. One interviewer specifically name Felicia, believes that it's a false sense of safety because anyone can jump the gate, or the guard may fall asleep. Which i can totally agree on; crime can occur in any place whether gated or not!

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