Thursday, December 8, 2011

"The Culture Of Poverty"

Oscar Lewis, describes the meaning of the term "Culture Of Poverty" he refers to poverty as not a lack of wealth but lacking the behavioral and personality traits. He states how poverty can be passed down from generation to generation. People has two different views of the poor, one as them being "violent, evil, and criminal". Second, being as "blessed, happy, and kind". These two views are not factual but more stereotypical. People view the poor as criminal because they assume since they have no money they are going to steal it from others who are fortunate. While as the kind poor people they are happy and kind due to their non-greed actions toward their work. They take family and friends into consideration as long as they are surviving they are satisfied, in other words they wont reach higher to the next level in success because they are adapted to where they are now in the situation. As read in the article poverty happens in societies with high rates of unemployment, production for high profit, and wage labor. Also relies on the lack of education and literacy.

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