Friday, September 23, 2011

Do you think the city is dangerous?

                       According to Wirth, cities have a way of influencing the people's behavior's and actions. He stated that in cities, people are guarded, not trusting  and are selfish. They dont have the time to interact with other's or even care too. When forming friendships according to Wirth is to get something out of it. Not all cities have the same interaction each one has different ways of behaviors, it is the culture and tradition that influences the person's actions as Wirth stated in the article. For example, back home where i am from the Dominican Republic, there is a different way of interacting and socializing with people and there is also a different environment where you feel safe.

                      I do not feel safe in NYC due to a high rate of crimes, terroism,  and sexual predators. i tend to agree with Wirth where he explains how people in cities have to keep a guard up and cant trust anyone. For instance when i take the train to commute to school i just keep to myself listening to my music and have no tendency in starting a conversation with someone i do not know, i do not know if that person is a terroist plotting to surrender the train or something. In the NYC environment you are influenced to act this way to not trust anyone.

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