Saturday, September 24, 2011

Foster And Kemper (Pg 5-19)

 Anthropology, the scientific study of the origin, behavior, and the physical, social and cultural development. In Fieldwork In Cities; discusses how the study of Anthropology has evolved throughout the years. According to Foster and Kemper, by the 1920's sociologists were doing research in American cities. After World War 2, the anthropological research has shifted on the city life and urbanization which developed throughout the 1960's and 1970's. They were no longer researching on villages and tribes but on large cities to gather more data and information. To do their research and gathering they utilize a pencil, and a stenographer's notebook which is also used in the court system. They also have come to a new method on interviewing people on how to extract as much information as possible from them by using the "Participent observation" which is to gain a close and intimate familiarity with a given group of individuals. This research method is often called fieldwork where they travel to their houses to live with them, eat, and monetarize every single activity they get into so they can get to know more about the family. Most Anthropologists have been accused of being a CIA agent, a Protestant missionary, a social worker, a tax collector, or even a misguided tourist.(13) I would think the same as well; thinking who are you to ask me these questions what do you care, ARE YOU A COP!

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